So someone along the line has leaked online a not-finished pre-production copy of Origins:Wolverine:X-men here we go.
If people don't realise it's not the finished version and say its pants, then I'd hope the producers wouldn't want them as fans, paying or otherwise. If on the other hand after seeing the film (without the special effects), people rush out to see it, tell all their friends to see it and buy the (rip-off priced) optical media, then what will the studios say about the effect of piracy?
If it is nothing but pants and only wings it by the yet to be added special effects, then only the cgi fanboys/gals will be the beneficiaries anyway.
"Of course, true movie fans would never sacrifice the true joy of a collective, shared experience at a theater for a degraded, half-baked copy viewed on tiny computer screens..."
A theatre experience? I'd rather have my eyes gouged out and body trampled by rampaging bulls. Shudder.